About us
Our Mission is to Glorify God by preaching the gospel, by building up the church, and by showing kindness and love. McAlmont Church of Christ is a family of Christians whose single desire is to please God in conduct and ministry. We seek to glorify Him in worship, life, service to fellowman and in our efforts to reach the lost for Christ. When one becomes a Christian, he becomes a member of the churches of Christ. This brings him into fellowship with Christians all over the world and in every faithful congregation. But at the same time he becomes part of a specific congregation where he worships and labors in the Lord. This adds a special flavor to the joint fellowship we share in Christ. Being a part of this congregation identifies the area where one will work and worship in service to God. It brings him under the oversight of the elders who serve in this place. He is then subject to the teaching of the evangelist who has the responsibility of setting the church in order. The minister and elders strive to follow the New Testament in organization and administration of the church. The minister provides direction and leadership in helping the church plot a course to successfully evangelize the community. The elders provide oversight to the membership and help to support them in their struggle to please God in their Christian walk. The Biblical pattern for church organization calls for evangelist, elders, deacons, teachers and members.
Our Elders.
It is a great joy and a privilege to serve the McAlmont Church of Christ. We are constantly watching and praying for the safety of Christian souls. We are excited about the work that has been and is being accomplished by the church.
Our Deacons.
It is a labor of love to serve the McAlmont Church of Christ. Working hand in hand to minister to the needs of the members brings us great joy.
Robert McKinnery, Sr.
Robert Bell
Gregory Settles
Arnold Robinson
Ozell Stark
Michael Williams, Sr.